Premera RNHI
Clinic-based practice and patient care experiences 
Partner Clinic 


The objective is to have exposure to different patient acuity, community demographics and practice styles while learning the art of medicine from clinicians who are experienced in rural primary care. During partnered clinic, NP fellows will see patients from the preceptor’s schedule, under the consultation of the preceptors. Phases out after about one month. 
Independent Clinic 


In the independent clinic setting the objective is for fellows to provide care to patients from their own panel.  This typically begins in the second quarter of the fellowship program.  Fellows have access to a senior clinician for support, as needed.  Frequency of 1 or more days per week.  Occurs in tandem with continuity clinic. 
Continuity Clinic 


The objective is for NP fellows to sharpen their clinical and professional skills while building their own patient panel with a ramp-up schedule. During continuity clinic, NP fellows will have dedicated preceptors who will be fully available to assist and guide the fellows as needed.